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A journey through the menu at Henry's Hunan
Item # 52:
Fresh Soybean Sauteed with Pickled Vegetables
Date completed:  Wednesday March 12th, 2003
OK, now I've reached the bottom. I like vegetables as much as the next Godzilla-fan, but this one is just bad. I grew up on a farm with soybean fields stretching for miles in either direction. So I know soybeans. But I also had an aversion to vegetables, like most normal kids. The taste of this dish reminds me of how vegetables tasted to me as a kid. That, along with the weird texture of the soybeans, the spinach or seaweed or whatever it is, and the stringy bamboo shoots combine to form one of the worst flavors I've tasted since the last time I went to a fast food joint. This _really_ makes one appreciate how incredibly awesome the rest of the menu is. I am so happy to be done with this one!
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