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A journey through the menu at Henry's Hunan
Item # 54:
Chinese Green
Date completed:  Friday March 21st, 2003
This one has the smallest description after Sauteed Broccoli. It's just bok choy and garlic sauce. Nothing else. I mean, obviously it's made as a side dish to order as your eating family style, so that everyone can have one or two pieces to go with everything else. It's not intended as a main course. But there it is, in the main course section of the menu, so I had to order it and eat it. It's good for what it is, but as an entree? Plplpplplpp. So it got me to thinking: maybe I've been doing this wrong the whole time: I should have been eating this family style instead of individual dishes like this. Maybe I should forget about this whole completing the menu thing. I mean, it was a pretty good run while it lasted.... No! Must..stay..focused. Oh yes, in other news: I guess this page is starting to get noticed a bit. I got linked to from one of the grander projects out there: Check out this Chinese Restaurant quest.
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